Getting Started with Scalar DB on JDBC databases
This document briefly explains how you can get started with Scalar DB on JDBC databases with a simple electronic money application.
Install prerequisites
Scalar DB is written in Java and uses a JDBC database as an underlining storage implementation, so the following software is required to run it.
- Oracle JDK 8 (OpenJDK 8) or higher
- A JDBC database instance. We officially support MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle Database for now (we also have the SQL Server implementation though)
- Other libraries used from the above are automatically installed through gradle
From here, we assume Oracle JDK 8 and a JDBC database is properly installed in your local environment, and it is running in your localhost.
Configure Scalar DB
The (getting-started/ file holds the configuration for Scalar DB. Basically, it describes the JDBC database installation that will be used.
# Credential information to access the database
# Storage implementation. Either cassandra or cosmos or dynamo or jdbc can be set. Default storage is cassandra.
# The minimum number of idle connections in the connection pool. The default is 5
# The maximum number of connections that can remain idle in the connection pool. The default is 10
# The maximum total number of idle and borrowed connections that can be active at the same time. Use a negative value for no limit. The default is 25
# Setting true to this property enables prepared statement pooling. The default is false
# The maximum number of open statements that can be allocated from the statement pool at the same time, or negative for no limit. The default is -1
Please follow Getting Started with Scalar DB to run the application.